With great respect to this beautiful place, we implement environmental friendly practices. Including solar panels, charging points for electric vehicles and LED lighting system installation.
Aiming to a zero-waste policy and way of living, we chose to use biodegradable toilet paper, bamboo toiletries, reworked fabrics and eco-friendly cleaning and laundry products. A waste recycling system that is managed by a certified body that includes on-site waste separation of glass, plastic, paper, batteries and more.
Most of the Little Ionian’s furniture is made from recycled teak wood sourced from Indonesia. Indonesian teak wood is sustainable and offers double (or more) the longevity of Latin American- sourced teak. The clear advantage of using recycled teak is that no new trees need to be cut down in order to meet the demand for wood. This tropical wood was once heavily harvested and when reused, living trees can stay intact.
Water, one of the basics sources of life, runs clean from the melting snow of the mountains in the area. The commitment is to preserve the amounts of clear water for the next generations. Rainwater is collected and used for all irrigation purposes. We use its resources with great respect by reducing water pressure, installing dual-flush WC and water bead laundry systems.
Comfortable outdoor temperature is essential to enjoy the summer vacation. At the outdoor area of Little Ionian, the temperature drops through the natural air flow in between the buildings, the shaders & pergolas, the evaporation of the pool water, as long as their natural evapotranspiration.
The use of the sustainable energy sources provided by nature to create a high standard living with low environmental footprint. Returning to the basics of traditional local housing, practices were taken into consideration during the stages of design, in order to minimize the energy consumption & airconditioning.
Plenty natural light inside the suites adjusted by black out shaders, individual deep shaded exterior spaces, natural air flow in the suites.
Gardens are created with native plants, therefore they acclimatised to the local conditions to which they know. Consequently allowing them to live in their natural environment reducing their need for excessive human intervention. Bee-attracting flowers ensure the continuous pollination of species and secures the habitat of the bees, vital for the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity in nature.